Because It's All About That Bass! (And Shoulders)

Hey gals!

I hope you're having a wonderful week! My son started preschool this week, so we are trying to get back into the swing of a routine again. Wish us luck!

Without further ado, I wanted to share this glute and shoulder workout with you that I completed a few weeks ago! My glutes and shoulders are two body parts I am always trying to work a little more ... because it's all about that bass, right? ;) And who doesn't love some pretty shoulders? 

Here you go!


  • Overhead Cable Press 4x12
  • Single Arm Cable Raise 4x12 each arm
  • Dumbbell Reverse Fly 4x10
  • Assisted Pull-Ups with Resistance Band 4x5


  • Leg Press with High Foot Placement (high foot placement helps engage the glutes more) 3x12
  • Seated Hamstring Curl 3x12
  • Elevated Hip Thrusts (with band around knees) 4x15
  • Jumping Lunges 3x20

Be sure to always being your workout with a warm-up and finish with a cool down! 

Make it a great day!


Ashley Wiseman