A Short and (not so) Sweet Tabata Workout
You ready for a killer Tabata workout?! This is a great cardio kicker that uses Tabata training to help burn at, rev up your metabolism, and make the most of your time. If you need a workout to add to your routine this week, do this one! You'll be glad you did (after it's over)! ;) And if you're one of my 6 Week Fat loss Cycle clients, you can bet on doing this workout soon! Get ready!
Warm-Up: 5 minutes of jogging or butt kicks to get the body warm
Directions: Do 20 seconds of the exercises, then rest for 10 seconds. Complete 8 rounds of each exercise. Then move into the next exercise and do the same time sequence.
Tabata #1: 20 seconds high knees / 10 seconds rest
Tabata #2: 20 seconds running man / 10 seconds rest
Tabata #3: 20 seconds foot fires / 10 seconds rest
Tabata #4: 20 seconds frog jumps / 10 seconds rest
(If you need some how-to videos on the exercises, click over to my YouTube page and search for the exercise!)
Short and effective workouts are the name of the game y'all! Be sure to finish your workout with some walking and stretching to cool down your body.
CHEERS to an awesome year ahead!
XOXO, Ashley
P.S. My last round of 6 Week Fat Loss Cycle filled up right away, and I had to close registration early. I will be opening up registration for the next round SOON ... stay tuned as slots will go fast once again!