Back to the Blogging World!
Here I am, back to the blogging world!
If you’ve been following me for several years, you may remember when I first started blogging at “My Food ‘N’ Fitness Diaries” (FYI — this domain is no longer mine) as a way to share our little world and also my passion for food and fitness. Since then, my journey has taken me to starting my own online training business, which has been such a blessing these last few years. There have been lots of ups and downs though it all, and I’ve learned a lot about myself through the process. Naturally, as I changed and shifted, my my business and my mission in this space has changed and shifted. I’ve learned that while change can be scary and hard at times, it’s a necessary part of growth and maturity.
These last few years, I’ve poured a lot of my time into my group training programs, which I absolutely loved. The relationships and lives changed through those programs have been so impactful for me. That being said, I realized through it all how much I missed writing! My Instagram and Facebook posts are often fairly wordy because I enjoy writing, I process life through writing, and it’s therapeutic for me. But, I just didn’t have enough room to write everything I desired in those little posts! So, I decided to get back into the blogging world … and here I am!
My hope and desire in this space is to share glimpses of our family life, my passion for healthy living, and where my heart is at on any given day. I love that blogging has a special way of connecting you with the person behind the screen and showcasing the ups and downs of life. It can be a beautiful way to all learn from one another, and I’m excited to be back at it! I hope you’ll join me on this new journey!
My posts won’t be as frequent as the “good ol’ days”; I’m thinking 1-2 times per week. Any topics you’d like to see me post here? Comment below or email me! I’d love your ideas!