Dear Smith, You Are 6 Months Old!

Dear Smith,


You are 6 months old my baby boy! I can’t believe you’re halfway to ONE! ! It blows my mind every time I think about how quickly these last several months have gone, but it seems like we’ve had you forever at the same time.

Time just gets sweeter and sweeter with you. Your personality is coming out, and you continue to be the sweetest, happiest, most smiley baby I’ve ever known! I call you my angel baby for a reason. I can’t help but be in a happy mood when you flash your big smiles and little dimples.

Your neck strength is getting stronger, and you’re rolling all over the place! You still don’t love being on your tummy for too long, but we still work on that tummy time regularly. Your jumper is one of your favorite activities, and I crack up watching you jump all crazy in there!

Your nighttime sleep continues to go well, which makes this mama happy. We had a little bit of a rough stretch off and on for about a week, and I still am unsure of why or what was wrong, but you snapped out of it and are back to sleeping soundly through the night for the most part. Napping is always a little hit or miss, but it’s understandable, because you just kinda roll with the punches throughout the day as we are often times coming and going from picking up/dropping off your brother and sister, going to the gym, and/or running errands. You roll with it well though, and for that, I am so grateful!


We started baby food a couple weeks ago, and you’re responding really well to it! I do a mix of baby food purees and a Baby Led Weaning approach in the beginning, and then eventually do primarily Baby Led Weaning as your hand eye coordination gets better. You’ve tried pureed carrots, pears, kale, spinach, raspberries, and apples so far. It took a few tries with the carrots, but you eventually took a liking to them! Everything else you gobbled right up, which I’ll take as a win! We’ve tried some little chunks of avocado and sweet potato too, and you did well with them. This stage of baby food isn’t my favorite because it’s SO MESSY, but we are having a lot of fun watching you try new foods. Hunter and Reese get especially excited to see you eat!

Your big smiles and giggles continue to make my heart burst, sweet boy. You are truly a gift! We love you to the moon and back!


Your Mama