Five Favorites | November Edition

I didn’t get around to typing up an October edition of my favorite things, so I’m excited to write + publish this post! These “favorites” posts are some of the ones I most enjoy writing!

Below are a few of my favorite things I’ve been using, eating, watching, or wearing over the last month or two!

G2G Protein Bars


I initially tried these G2G Protein Bars a few years ago, and then just kind of forgot about them! Until I recently received an email about their Black Friday sale … so of course I ordered a box (and should’ve ordered ten more)! If you’re a nut butter lover like me, you will LOVE these! They are a little higher in fat, but they’re 100% worth it. They’re made with excellent ingredients, are high in protein, super satiating, and oh so tasty! My main complaint about them is that they’re not in more local grocery stores. Wish they were easier to find without having to order them online!

Beautycounter Resurfacing Peel


I’ve been doing more research recently on how many of our beauty products are filled with toxic ingredients — scary! And while I’m not a hardcore “all natural/all organic/etc” type person (no offense to people who are), I do try my best to reduce toxic products in our lifestyle where and when I can, if it doesn’t break the bank. I’ve tried a couple random Beautycounter products over the years, but finally decided to bite the bullet and am slowly transitioning over my skin care and make-up to natural products. It’s a gradual process, so it will take some time, but I think it’ll be well worth it. When I made my purchase a few weeks ago, Beautycounter was offering a free bottle of their popular Resurfacing Peel with my order. People have talked about how amazing this stuff is, and they’re right — it’s SO GOOD! My face looks brighter, my pores look smaller, and my skin is softer. And no, I’m not selling Beautycounter, nor do I get any sort of affiliate to talk about this … I just love it and had to share! (I’d highly recommend my friend, Jana Antil, for all of your Beautycounter needs!) I also enjoy TULA products for some of my skincare needs!

Burt’s Bees Baby & Kids Pajamas


I am such a sucker for all the matchy-matchy stuff for my kids, so of course these matching Burt’s Bees Christmas jammies made me all sorts of happy! I’ll be savoring this photo for years to come.

Norwex Cloths

This is another way I’ve cut back on some toxic/chemical filled products in our home. My neighbor recently introduced me to the world of Norwex, and their Envirocloth instantly sold me! It makes it so much easier and faster to clean my stainless steel and windows … and with no cleaner required! I’m pretty much obsessed with cleaning my stainless steel now, thanks to these cloths. Ha!

Frozen II


We took the kids to go see the new Frozen movie the day before Thanksgiving, and our family loved it! Olaf cracked me up, and I like how it appealed to the entire family — the boys included! Reese is in such a princess phase right now, so she was ALL about Elsa and Anna, which made it extra fun. If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it!

What about you? What are some of your recent favorite things?