Dear Smith, You Are 4 Months Old!

Dear Smith,

You’re 4 months old, my sweet boy! You are already a third of the way through your first year of life. It’s pretty crazy when you think of it that way. I’m soaking in all of these moments with you lately.


Four months has always been one of my favorite ages with all three of you kids. You’re starting to smile, be more vocal, show more of your personality, and SLEEP better! Yay for sleep! You still take several naps throughout the day, and you are starting to consistently sleep through the night, which is always a game changer. I almost forgot what it was like to get a full night of sleep! Ha! The beginning of the month was a little rough because we were in Utah and just out of our normal routine, so you didn’t sleep as well for that week. But after we returned home, you started to do much better and this mama was so appreciative!

We still have yet to move you into your own room, which is so typical of me considering you’re the baby of our family. I was quick to move your brother and sister into their rooms when they were babies, but I’ve been in no rush with you. My goal is to make it happen this coming month. We will see if it happens! In the meantime, I’ll enjoy having you close by during the night.

In other news, you giggled for the first time ever! It was a full on belly laugh, and it melted my mama heart. It was even more meaningful because you did it on a day when we were all struggling — the day your Nana passed away. Your little laugh put a smile on all of our faces, and brought us that sunshine when we needed it most. Your smile and laugh are truly contagious, and I hope you never lose your sense of joy!

You continue to be growing, growing, growing. You’re pretty much out of 3 month clothes now, and are fitting into most of your 6 month stuff. At your most recent 4 month well check, you came in at 15 lbs. 6 oz., nearly half of your birth weight! Wow! And you measured 25.5 inches long. You’ve turned into quite the good little eater, which I’m thankful for, considering where we started out with our breastfeeding troubles. I’m glad we stuck with it!

You were quite the trooper in general this month. We went on our first long road trip and had no sense of routine that week. Despite not sleeping great, which is to be expected, you did so well and hung in there with all of the craziness. We also spent the week after that in the hospital a lot, spending time with your Nana. Your routine was also pretty shaken during the days there with random cat naps, but you continued to roll with it well. You were our little ray of sunshine in the hospital room throughout that week. You brought joy to all of us when we were in the midst of sorrow. Thank you for being our little angel, my darling boy.

I am so grateful to be your mama, Smith! I can’t get enough of you, your big smiles, and your sweet coos!


Your Mommy